Tips to Refresh My Living Space for Spring & Summer

For many of us, it’s been a long hard winter. So, when we see the first signs of warm weather, we think it’s time to refresh our living spaces for spring and a wonderful much-anticipated summer to follow. The question is, where do we start.

Today, we’ve pulled together a few simple tips to get you started. You’ll think of other ideas as you go along. In the meantime, consider these suggestions as a summary of what you’ll want to do to bring your living space into warm-weather mode immediately. 

Some of these you’ll think are readily apparent, and some may be new to you, but all will make your spring-refresh easier, whether you’re doing it yourself or bringing in an interior designer to do the project.

Deep Clean

Whether you’re a big fan of spring cleaning, the starting point for refreshing a room for spring is to give the space a deep cleaning from ceiling to floor. After all, nothing is more refreshing than sparkling clean?

Fresh Flowers

Our all-time favorite way to refresh a room for spring is with fresh flowers and blooming branches like dogwood or forsythia. Springtime brings readily available bouquets of daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and much more.


Fresh Flowers

Our all-time favorite way to refresh a room for spring is with fresh flowers and blooming branches like dogwood or forsythia. Springtime brings readily available bouquets of daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and much more.

Window Coverings

Take down, clean, and store heavy draperies that make rooms cozy for the wintertime and bring out sheers and lightweight window treatments to let the light shine in.

On the floor

Spring is the time to think about laying area rugs made of natural fibers like sisal, jute, and cotton. These rugs will make rooms feel light and airy--just the look for spring and summer


Pillows & Throws

 A super easy change to bring spring to living rooms or family rooms is with the quick change out of throw pillows and throws. Color, pattern, and fabric are key with these soft accessories. Bring spring to life in your decor with pale tones or bright, exuberant hues, lightweight fabrics, and cheerful patterns.



In addition to cleaning, consider whether your room needs a fresh coat of paint. This would be a great time to try one of the pale new neutrals that are trending right now


Tabletop Accessories

Here again, infuse rooms for spring with a change of accessories (color, materials like clear glass or wire that take up little visual space, so you’ll get a light airier look

Wall Art

Colorful, oversized art for the wall can infuse a room with modern style, brilliant color, and a happy vibe. Also, consider unframed pieces or those with invisible frames.

If you’re inspired to do a total refresh for one or more of your winter-weary living spaces, We would love to help you create a beautiful, functional, and comfortable home. Find out more about our services on our website by contacting us today!

Talk to you soon,
